Final week in America

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

I have been a bit lazy with my posting in the last week. I was due for another two posts before I returned home but I was distracted.

My final week in America was spent doing more social things rather than photography. I had a great time all the same, in fact I think I had a much better time than when I had been out taking photographs.

I am now home and it is bitterly cold, especially with no heating. I am working on a few photographs from America, but with other priorities, I think it will be a week or so before any images get posted. So keep a look out!

Arizona is an amazing state in America. Everyday is bright sunshine and low humidity, you cannot help but be happy. It really has made me realise that England is not the place I want to live, even though I have said all my life that I would never leave. Everything about Arizona is better, wider and cleaner streets, less traffic, fewer taxes and generally more cheerful people. Oh and everything is so much cheaper!


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